Podcast Episodes
Episode 78 - How to run your best Half Marathon | Gemma Steel
We speak to the third fastest female Half Marathon runner in UK history, Gemma Steel. Tune in for some tips on how you can run your best Half Marathon.
Episode 77 - Creating an environment to flourish | Ian Beattie | Scottish Athletics
Why are Scottish Athletes doing so well on the world scene? What makes their runners so special.
Episode 73- The Future of Running: How Governing Bodies are Supporting the Sport: John Downes
This week we talk to former Irish athlete and coach, John Downes. We chat about the future of our sport, how it's run by governing bodies, and why the way they're structured affects 'grassroots' runners like us.
Episode 71 - New Year Special
Check out our New Year Special with interviews with Cross Country international, Nick Goolab, international Marathon Runner, Hayley Carruthers and Ultra Champ, Damian Hall.
Episode 68 - Variety- Conor Hancock
This week we speak to OCR world medalist and head of Sheffield tourist board, Conor Hancock.
Episode 62 - The Love Show - Joe Dale (Love Track London)
We talk love with Joe Dale, co-founder of runners speed dating nights, Love Track London. We also discuss Man Vs Horse, rigging competitions and Jermaine’s parsimony in night clubs
Episode 39 - Running Technique: Stevie Connor
This week we discuss Running Technique with top Sports Podiatrist, Steve Connor. We discuss hip drops, one leg squats till the cows come home, and Charlotte Purdue's horrible feet. Oh and sorry in advance for Jermaine's horrible bus story.